Saturday, August 24, 2019

Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Internet - Essay Example The living standards of the public increased a lot as a result of the introduction of internet. Nobody has any doubt about the contributions of internet in enhancing communication. No other medium is capable of communicating with people as quickly as internet does. Social networking services like facebook, myspace, orkut etc are helping the people to share information instantly and effectively in a virtual world. When it comes to instant communication, internet always gets priority over other channels of communication. Communication is an area in which internet brought revolutionary changes in the society. Earlier, print sources, television, radio etc were the prominent media of communication in the society. However, these media are incapable of delivering instant information to the public as internet does. Newspapers and televisions require enough time to collect news, edit it, and print/transmit it to the readers/viewers. On the other hand, internet is capable of delivering the new s instantly to the public. ... The difficulties and problems associated in locating specific information in newspapers or printed sources have been eliminated with the introduction of electronic media like internet. It is easy for the readers to eliminate unwanted information quickly so that they can concentrate more only on the specific information they were searching for while using internet. It is a fact that most of the newspapers contain large number of advertisements and the retrieval of specific information from newspaper is difficult. Internet provides answer to such messed up reading styles; it helps the readers to avoid unwanted things instantly and to locate the required information instantly. The enhancement of communication using internet resulted in the development of new life styles in the society. Earlier, people visit the houses of their friends and relatives to exchange their regards and greetings. Now all such things are happening in the virtual world. For sending, birth day greetings, wedding i nvitations and greetings etc people are making use of internet. It is a fact that virtual socializing gives enough flexibility in sending greetings and conveying ideas. The introduction of internet and the subsequent development of social networking services helped the people to increase their virtual socializing activities more than their real face to face socializing activities. It is possible to communicate with anybody through internet even when a person travels from one place to another. Audio and video conferencing facilities provided by internet help people to communicate with others just like a face to face meeting. â€Å"The mobile workforce requires people to travel more frequently for work, leaving friends and family behind, and

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